Hans Meier - Parapsychologist, life coach, healer, masseur & lecturer / Member SPGMassageschule by Meier
Practice: Hotel Kurhaus am Sarnersee Wilerstr. 35 CH-6062 Wilen/Sarnen OW www.kurhaus-am-sarnersee.ch / www.gesundheit-obwalden.ch Practice: Residenz Iris B / Turmstr. 2 CH-3954 Leukerbad VS
New courses are running in full body energy massage, Indian head massage, hot stone body and feet and hairdresser's treat. Info: Hans Meier 41 79 424 06 28 / there are still places available...
Present in Leukerbad VS: Various massages & workshops also on weekends, by appointment... Present from... Saturday, 15 June - Tuesday, 18 June
Wednesday, 03 July - Monday, 08 July
Friday, July 26 - Wednesday, July 31
Life coaching, energy work, distant healing, various massages, stop smoking and addictive behavior. Various workshops and meditations /// Timeout instead of burnout. Various workshops in classic massage, energy massage, hot stone body and feet, Indian head massage and partner massage. Self-healing courses. Pure energy, distant healing and meditation.
Lecturer, for workshops in CH-3400 Burgdorf / www.swa.ch / swiss wellness academyLecturer, for workshops in CH-8600 Dübendorf / www.swa.ch / swiss wellness academy
Motto: Love is the best healer