Spiritual healing

More modern alternative methods see themselves as partners in the service of maintaining health. Anyone who seeks them out should of course be prepared to actively cooperate. In England, collaboration between conventional medicine and spiritual healers is common practice. The successes achieved are impressive.

Spiritual healing could be described as mankind's earliest therapeutic discovery. There have always been people who intuitively used their ability to heal others through an exchange of mystical energy. This was often combined with some kind of ritual.

Spiritual healing should not be confused with faith healing. Faith healing requires the patient to have unconditional faith in God, which is not the case with spiritual healing. Spiritual healing assumes that people are not just physical bodies, but live simultaneously on several levels of consciousness. Namely, on the material level, on a kind of electromagnetic level (emotional level), on the intellectual level and on the spiritual level. The spiritual healer does not simply heal the diseased part of the body, but restores the balance of energy between the different levels of consciousness, because an imbalance means illness. Illness is defined as the physical effect of disturbances on the subtle level. Spiritual healers work in different ways. Some work in deep meditation or a light trance. Others feel energy flowing from their hands (laying on of hands). The healer concentrates on love and intensive care. His soul, his spirit, his whole being longs to help the sick person. The spiritual healer thus becomes a channel for healing energies, which he transmits to the patient.

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